Choose His Way

Advertising slogans of the past, like; “Just Do It,” and “Your worth it,”  and “Have it your way” are all strong marketing suggestions for us to be more personally demanding. As we adopt this kind of thinking I am afraid we may also allow this “attitude” of more self-centeredness to affect other critical areas of our lives.

Most importantly, God wants us to be more committed to doing things His way! In (Psalm 37:4, 5) His
Word says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”  As I read this wonderful Scripture I consider its tone to be likened to that of well-meaning advice, but non-threatening. It’s true God allows us freedom of choice but His intent in His words is not without strong conviction and definite purpose for our lives! He knows what is best for us in all situations. If we choose not to listen we may have it our way, but later wish we hadn’t.

It’s all about trust and dependence on God for all we think and do. Those of us who have had to do for ourselves most of our lives and been forced to make our own decisions have a difficult time letting go; letting God. We have had to depend on our own strength and our own personal choices of what has been good or bad for us. If we are truthful, we have all made some very serious mistakes in our lives too.

God’s way is always the best way! You and I may find it very hard to relinquish this control over our destiny; like we think we’ve always had! The truth is we never did actually have control. We just convinced ourselves we have. We learn how to “play the tapes” that help us believe we control our lives. Like I said before, God allows us free will, but also He said; “Commit your way to the Lord, and He shall bring it to pass.” We may not always agree with what God tells us to do but the Father always knows best.

About Melton Carr

Administrator and author of this blog.